Scope of Desired Investment Grade THERMAL Energy Audit

To carryout Investment Grade Thermal Energy Audit of the Facility and other industrial operations, so that various Options for Energy Saving measures can be straight away implemented on Performance – Contracting basis. As such, in addition to Energy Audit, “Base Line” for Energy Consumption as well as “Protocol for Measuring and Verification” must be worked out so that after the necessary implementation, actual quantum of Energy Saved can be quantified in very well acceptable level by the Client. (Any audit area as mentioned above is termed as “facility”).

1. Energy Audit Scope
  • Energy Audit activities, in general will include
    1. The activity starts at the utility meters, locating all energy sources coming into a facility.
    2. Identification of energy streams for each fuel as well as electricity including own electricity generation facility.
    3. Quantification of energy streams into discrete functions (Systems / equipments / appliances etc.).
    4. Evaluation of the efficiency of each of those functions (Systems / equipments / appliances etc.).
    5. Identification of Energy and cost savings opportunities and analyze the impact of improvements.
  • Preparation of ‘Energy Audit Report’ that documents the use and occupancy of the facility and facility systems equipment.
  • The report also recommends ways to improve and implement on performance contracting basis the efficiency improvements in operation / maintenance/ housekeeping measures, and through installation of Energy Conservation Measures (ECM).
  • 2. Facility Details
    To develop the key details of facility with specific reference
    1. Facility structural details.
    2. Use & Occupancy of the facility.
    3. Energy supply features.
    4. Details of Systems / Equipments /Appliances etc.
    Methodology adopted for the Facility Energy Audit
    The ‘Energy Audit Structure’ for developing energy efficiency projects to be implemented under performance contracting is given below. The facility energy system data collection and analysis can be conducted in modular way.
  • Facility Energy bills analysis
  • Thermal Audits
    1. Compressed Air System.
    2. Cooling Tower System.
    3. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration System.
    4. Steam Generation (Boilers).
    5. Steam Distribution.
    6. Furnaces.
    7. Thermic Fluid Heaters.
    8. Insulation Study.
    9. Hot Water/Oil Systems.
    10. Drying Operations.
  • Process and Other Energy Consuming Equipments.
  • 4. Facility Energy Bills Analysis
  • Objective
    1. Tariff audit to estimate the impact of savings as well opportunities for fuel saving during the particular time frame as well as contribution of energy cost to the products.
    2. Base line for Energy Consumption : - Energy Consumption trends for developing baseline for gross metering (whole facility) for implementing multifaceted energy efficiency projects in a facility.
  • Methodology / Data Collection
    1. Energy bills (Liter, kg, lb, Rs/kg, MT, KL etc) on monthly basis for last 3 years.
    2. Peak load on daily basis for last 1-2 years.
    3. Weather Bins:  dry bulb and wet bulb temperature for last 3 years.
    4. Occupancy data: attendance and visitors record on monthly basis for last 5 years.
    5. Energy system maintenance expenses on monthly basis for last 3 year.
  • Analysis
    1. Identification of variables affecting energy consumption.
    2. Regression analysis of energy consumption and development of correlations with identified variables.
    3. Databank management for regular energy bill analysis.
    4. Savings are determined by measuring energy use at the whole facility level. Short term or continuous measurements shall be taken throughout the post-retrofit period. If felt necessary, Energy Meters can be provided on certain Load Centers also.
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